FAFSA 2024 Updates

由于FAFSA程序在全国范围内的延迟, all new and returning students will receive their financial aid awards later than usual this year. FAFSA 2024 FAQs

Loyola has extended the enrollment deposit deadline for incoming first-year students to June 1, 2024. 阅读全文

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Good afternoon. 欢迎所有来自四面八方的人来分享这个特殊的过渡时刻,并为皇冠app官方版下载皇冠365官方app带来希望.

这是一种巨大的感激之情, humility and joy that I accept the responsibility of leading this vibrant Catholic, 耶稣会大学扎根于伟大的新奥尔良市. 我感谢耶稣会理事会和中南省分会授予我这份荣誉. 我认真对待这一责任,并将根据共同和合作的目标,合作完成我们的使命. 

Here we are together. Sharing this spectacular moment in this  beautiful church surrounded by colleagues, supporters, 还有很多我爱的人. This is incredible. I am blessed. God is good.

Over the last several weeks, I have received many generous blessings leading up to this day. Friends and family who are of deep faith who wish God’s wisdom and favor upon me. 作为洛约拉的代表, all of these blessings flow naturally and rightfully through me to our Loyola community of students, faculty and staff, and Board members. 我们接受这些祝福并感谢你们.

我也铭记这一任命的历史性, as the first African-American and second layperson to lead Loyola in its 111-year history. 我从家人的脸上看到了骄傲, current students, 教职员工和校友, 以及新奥尔良皇冠365官方app的人数. Just two days ago, 一位和我身份相同的工作人员告诉我,她为我感到骄傲, 她80岁的母亲为我感到骄傲. 要知道,我站在你们所有人的肩膀上,你们曾在大街上游行,为民权而战,所以这一刻对我来说才有可能. 我每天都为你祈祷,我很感激你.

就职典礼很特别. 这对一个人来说几乎是压倒性的. 我怀疑这类似于一场大型婚礼! Mine was small and intimate, so this week has come as quite a surprise to plan and absorb. 我要感谢洛约拉大学的策划者们,他们做了一项出色的工作,突出了我们必须与大家分享的最好的东西. 

Today, 我很荣幸能想起我生命中所有在我的人生旅途中爱我、支持我的人. 

My mothers’ sisters are here with their families (children and grandchildren): My Aunts Willie Nell, Catherine, Lucille, and Barbara. My mother Rose (and her baby sister Pat) have passed on and are watching now with pride from the heavens. 两人都拥有天使般的歌声. 而且他们都死得太早了.

在我成长的过程中,我在密西西比的家人常叫我“小教授”.他们对我的爱称藏在心里, hopes for my future, 也承认了我作为一名教育者的潜力. 好吧,家人,你们说得很对! 不过我现在更像个"哈士奇教授". 我非常爱你们,谢谢你们的到来.

我将快速地列出我的其他一些重要联系, 我知道我不可能叫出他们所有人的名字,他们中的许多人今天都能亲自来到这里——我的高中英语老师, Mr. William Coleman, 是谁把我介绍给莎士比亚的, and taught me the difference between a gerund and a participle; and my high school band director, Mr. Thomas Walley, 是谁要求他的每一个学生都精益求精,并教导我随时准备好自由地分享我的天赋和才能, and that preparation and discipline would always allow me to meet my moment. Thank you, Sirs.

我的历史硕士导师,Dr. Mary Kupiec Cayton报道, who saw me as a history scholar well before I ever believed in myself as such. 我是人文教育的骄傲产物. Mary, 如果有人问“两个历史学位能做什么”, you can tell them, 成为皇冠app官方版下载的校长. Thank you, my friend. 

我在宾大的论文导师在这里. Matt Hartley, who helped me “see the forest through the trees” during my writing process. Matt, without Penn, your mentoring, 我的C11同伴和我们优秀的高等教育课程, 我就不会在这一刻. Thank you, all.

当然,还有我美丽的妻子. Susanne DeBerry Cole, who has encouraged me and supported me over our 28 years of marriage. 你是我的靠山,苏西. Colleagues recently asked how you were doing in your transition to New Orleans and the South. 我告诉他们,当我们考虑搬到新奥尔良时,你对我说过的话——“只要我们俩在一起。, we are good.” 

Like a marriage, 我对新总统的要求和期望是,我必须彻底地、无可救药地热爱我所领导的这个机构. 看到它的潜力和成长空间,无条件地爱它. 在短短六个月的时间里,我确实感受到对洛约拉的深深的爱. 我想我们还在“蜜月”阶段! 这种爱使我们能够向彼此提出难题, 承诺一起前进, and most importantly, 当我们在彼此身上犯错误时,给予对方恩典. 这就是我们共同成长和学习的方式. 这就是我们如何加强关系,成为一个洛约拉. 

我们共同从事的工作是耶稣会的核心使命. 我们教育我们的学生群体多样化, body, 以及为他人服务、与他人相处的精神.

耶稣会前总会长. Peter Hans Kolvenbach在2000年分享了这一观点, 这是天主教徒的标准, 耶稣会大学是谁,我们的学生成为服务他人. 这是耶稣会的工作. 创造条件,使人能够有意识地形成,这是耶稣会教育的一个显著特征.

At the same time, 我想鼓励大家利用这个机会——这个变化——来反思并重新承诺我们的基本价值观.

In particular, I want to highlight two elements of Ignatian spirituality: finding God in all things and serving others. There are several ways we can live out these practices – but I also believe that they can boil down to the simple, 而且非常重要, 与我们周围的人建立有意义的联系. 

For just a moment, 我鼓励你想想你那些最强大的联系——那些仅仅通过他们的鼓励和关心就让你离你的使命更近的人——那些通过看似简单的行为改变了你生活轨迹的人.

我对建立联系的想法充满激情,因为我知道这是改变人们心灵和思想的唯一途径. 我之所以知道这一点,是因为它改变了我. 你们很多人都听过我谈论我年轻时的经历. 我曾形容自己是一个没有舵的人,是慵懒河上的一根细枝. 我可能要去某个地方,但我没有方向感. 直到我认识了一个为他人而活的人. 

At 22, I crossed paths with a young man whose example and friendship impacted me to my core. 他是在做正经事, 为中美洲有需要的人提供国际旅行服务. He was truly a man for others, and seeing him in action lit a fire inside me. It created a hunger and a desire not just to emulate him but to understand what made him tick. 当然,这个问题的答案是他的耶稣会教育. 从那时起我就知道了, that serving students at a Jesuit institution was something I needed to be part of; that helping others gain access to the transformative power of a faith-based academic experience was my life’s calling. 他叫凯文·扬克斯-塔尔兹,他今天下午就在这里. Thank you, friend.

This is one connection that made a profound impact on my life – but I have countless others; we all do - those formative moments where we discover our shared humanity. These bonds allow us to walk in another's shoes, to understand their joys, pains, and aspirations. 它们促使我们做得更好,超越我们的认知极限. 它们是编织我们社会和情感生活的纽带,丰富了我们在这个世界上的旅程.

It’s been such a refreshing experience to observe our campus climate in my first few months on the job. 热情好客,富有创造力,还有强烈的归属感. 我在受人尊敬的教员身上看到了这一点, dedicated staff, proud parents, and, most importantly, 在我们聪明有为的学生身上.  

就像我们的工作是关于“我们的学生成为什么样的人”一样, 过去的几周已经证实,工作的乐趣在于与我们的学生见面,了解他们的经历. In real time. Last week, 就在日益繁重的行政工作遇到世界地缘政治问题进入我们校园的现实时, 我离开办公室,穿过校园来到丹娜学生中心, 一路上向同学们问好. 

只是从他们对我灿烂的微笑中得到安慰. 承认被看到、听到和知道. 
我们的学生很慷慨. 我总是被邀请参与他们目前正在做的事情. 在我非常聪明的日子里,我注意到自己需要充电, 我接受他们的邀请进入他们的空间. 这个“是”,几乎总是带来快乐的启示. 

Last week, I was leaving the student center and a music student stopped me–a trumpet player. He notified me that a weekly jam session occurs in the music complex on Wednesday nights. Students honing their improv chops coming together to play jazz standards. Then the moment–there was the all-important invitation to join them on any given week, 但他们希望我当晚能去拜访. Well . . . 你知道,我完全在那里! 

我欣赏他们在音乐表达上的自由. I found myself swept away by Miles Davis’s Solar being played so beautifully by this quintet. In that moment, 我们的学生实践了红衣主教纽曼的大学理念, 如果学生们把食物留给自己呢, shelter and warmth, 库(在本例中是, a musical one), 他们会以很好的方式互相教导. 见证这一刻,我的杯满溢.

Looking forward, 我们致力于坚持我们所设定的高标准——吸引和接纳有才华的学生,无论他们的背景如何, to fostering their gifts when they arrive on campus and to preparing all of them for success after graduation. 

我致力于确保洛约拉的工作人员和教师有他们需要创新和发现的支持和工具,并帮助每一个学生成功.  重点战略招生, 广泛分享洛约拉的故事, 改善我们伟大的校园, will shepherd us along a path to greater financial stability and student retention. 2025年,我们的住宿校园将扩建,新建一个最先进的600张床位的宿舍,这将有助于实现这一目标.

作为一名教师,我致力于在这个充满挑战的时代与我们的学生一起工作,在这个时代,信息可以在互联网上自由获取,而不是只接受这些信息的表面价值, 而是要询问信息来源,并就一个问题建立足够的背景,形成一个独立的观点. 高等教育不应该告诉你该怎么想, 而是教你如何思考, 并运用这些知识来改善我们的社会.

我致力于继续寻求和建立伙伴关系,使我们能够获得培养未来领导人所需的资源和机会. Current Nursing partnerships with Oschner will not only provide career pathways, 但也将有助于解决严重的全国护士短缺问题. By  establishing programs that are aligned with the jobs and needs of tomorrow, 我们正在加强我们对学术卓越的承诺,并扩大我们在会计等重要领域的课程, law, 教育和招待.

My vision for this university is to serve as an anchor institution in this city. 我们培养的学生——他们对仆人式领导和社会正义的承诺——有能力塑造新奥尔良的未来, 路易斯安那州和我们的国家. 

A great example of this is the work we are doing at Rayburn Correctional Center in Angie, LA, 帮助数百名在押人员获得洛约拉大学学位, just as importantly, 找到自己和生活的价值. 阅读的行为可以让心灵找到想象的自由,扩展他们的人性,将他们彼此联系起来,并建立一个比他们自己更大的学术团体. The most frequent question asked on my visit in July was, are we full-fledged Loyola students? 我的回答是肯定的. 你是狼群的一员! 

我们的校友每天都通过他们的病人建立联系, their clients, 他们的顾客和学生. 他们是我们价值观的生动体现. 我有如此深的骄傲和爱, 我故意用“爱”这个词, 为了这个皇冠365官方app和我们所代表的. What we start here, the bonds we build with one another, have the power to create real change.

Rooted in care.

The result? We will produce and send forth a Loyola Nurse; a Loyola lawyer; a Loyola Media professional. 

I want to close out today by sharing one more story about the power of connection. 在过去的一个月左右, 我有一个独特的机会去拜访潜在的学生, 全国各城市的校友和领导. And one of my stops took me to the home of Cathy and Hal (Toby) Raper, whose son attended Loyola. 我们开始交换故事——你们都知道我有多害羞——我认出了他们家富兰克林·D·富兰克林的一张照片,并发表了评论. 罗斯福在乔治亚州温姆斯普林斯. 

我发现照片中托比的父母和罗斯福在一起,他们是小儿麻痹症治疗和研究的先驱——他们的工作帮助病人减轻了病毒的可怕影响. And as we were speaking, I could feel deep down that this was a God moment. 这是一个真正联系的时刻. 

You see, my mother, Rose Wallace, born in 1945, contracted polio fairly late, as an infant. 她在铁肺里度过了童年早期的一部分时光. 她一生都带着左腿上的支架走路. When I told Mr. 强奸犯说我妈妈戴了护腿, 他问她是否需要助行器或拐杖. I said, “no”.  你只需要了解我的母亲. 她试着骑自行车,她可以开手动挡汽车. 她甚至把高跟鞋套在那个支架上! 但是由于早期开拓者的技术比如托比的父母, she was able to live a full and fruitful life and to be the very best parent to me and my sister, Tia. I could question why or how this knowledge came to me on my travels for Loyola. 但我知道这是一个上帝的时刻. 确认我在绝对正确的地方, at the right time, 从事一项特别适合我的职业. 我就在我该在的地方. Here at Loyola. 还有,我的妈妈,罗斯,和我在一起.

A connection made so long ago – had a profound and deep impact on my standing here today.

高等教育的根本目标是人性化和联系. It is to create capacity for understanding so we can have a better world – one filled with more love than hate. 一个充满善意而不是排斥的世界. 上帝为你安排了在那个时刻你需要看到的人, 谁来帮你理解你为什么在这里, 为什么你很重要,为什么你被爱.  

Our connections have the potential to change lives in ways that resonate far beyond our campus. This education is the potent force that enables us to make a tangible difference.


May our shared journey at Loyola continue to be a testament to the enduring power of connection.

Peace and blessings upon you and may God bless 皇冠app官方版下载